-Admin access to AMCDM.road3.local server
-Admin login for Ricardo application
- Connect to AMCDM.road3.local server using your admin credentials.
- Login to Ricardo application.
- Select ‘AMS001’ and press OK.
4. Go to the top menu and select Process > Process CDS replies - this will show you all messages waiting for clearance (see below).
5. Click 'process replies' - for manual process
6. If they process as expected, a count will increase and you can end the procedure here.
If they don't process:
7. Go to task manager > services >
-Pervasive services
-Actian services
and check these services are running.
If running but not working - this is a technical glitch
8. If so, restart the server using CMD or ask infrastructure to complete this task for you.
9. Check service after restart - if running - manually run again (repeat steps 1 to 7)
If this still doesn't work - this is a token refresh is needed
*** Solution in Microsoft Teams general folder for ERP channel***